4 Benefits of Angular.js For Quick Front End Development

Benefits of Angular js For Quick Front End Development

If you are in the market for a new JavaScript framework for your next web application project, you may want to take a look at Angular.js as your next programming tool of choice. While there are other JavaScript frameworks available, such as Jquery, Backbone.js and Knockout.js, some understanding of the benefits of Angular.JS for quick front end development may have you convinced this is the tool to choose for Web applications.

Here are 4 benefits of Angular.js:

1. Ability to Create Web Applications Quickly and Easily

With Angular.js, there is no need to create your own object and event handlers, as it includes two-way data binding. In addition, it saves to the server and offers the ability to shift from watching elements and events, to watching a model instead.

2. Extensible and Flexible

Angular.js is fully extensible and can work well with other libraries. In addition, all of its features can be modified, or replaced with other features, in order to meet your custom development needs.

3. Quick to Learn

If you already have experience developing with JavaScript, Jquery, Backbone.js, and are learning how to useAngular.js, it should only take you a couple of weeks to become proficient(understanding best practices and elements of the framework). There are a number of free learning resources available on the Internet to master this framework, such as https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial.

4. Easy to Collaborate with Other Developers

With the ability to create directives in Angular.js, and dependency injection, you are able to easily collaborate with other developers. A number ofAngular.js directive bridge libraries have been developed, so that Angular.js directives can be applied to other existing projects, using different frameworks, which makes adding new functionalities to an existing element, simple to do.

Angular.js can be a great solution if you are looking for quick front end development, and its features are vast. Here are just some of the many features it presents to developers:

• Views and routes
• Form validation
• Ability to extend HTML with your own behavior
• Emphasis on testability
• Ability to add HTML tags/attributes, so that your browser can do more
• Directives

If you have some JavaScript framework experience and you have some time to learn Angular.js, then do consider using this framework for your next web application project.